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Solicitation for Bids now open for Rock Creek Boat Launch Rehab Project

inyo national forest service


Solicitation for Bids now open for Rock Creek Boat Launch Rehab Project

Construction on the facility may start as soon as this summer

Bishop, Calif., May 2, 2024— Inyo National Forest is announcing the solicitation of bids for a contract to rehabilitate the Rock Creek Lake Boat Launch facility, thanks to a grant from the State of California, Division of Boating and Waterways and supplemental funding from the Great American Outdoors Act.

rock creek

The project will address safety and visitor access related issues, including improvements to the launch ramp itself, designation of ADA vehicle parking spots, new vault restrooms and an ADA-accessible path between these areas.

“The Rock Creek boat launch has had ongoing deferred maintenance issues that the Forest has not been able to address due to funding and staffing limitations,” said White Mountain District Ranger Taro Pusina.

“Thanks to this grant funding we can now move forward to conduct these much-needed access improvements for Rock Creek Lake visitors.

rock creek

During construction, the entire facility of the boat launch and restrooms would be closed, resulting in restricted access to both the boat ramp and Rock Creek Lake Group Campground. A more detailed schedule will be shared once it is available for the public.

Link to project construction solicitation:

Depending on the bids received for this project, construction may not start until the summer of 2025.

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