Inyo CountyNews

Inyo County Seeks Public Participation in Strategic Planning

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County Seeks Public Participation in Strategic Planning 

As part of the effort to develop a first-of-its-kind Strategic Plan, the County of Inyo is asking for public input and participation.

An online survey is now open for members of the public to provide information, ideas, and feedback on potential projects  and which efforts should be prioritized, as the County and Board of Supervisors work to determine where resources should  be focused over the next several years. The survey tool can be accessed at (or by scanning  the QR code below).

Respondents will need to complete a basic registration (supplying Name, Email, and Place of Residence) before they can  submit or comment on existing ideas submitted by department heads.

The data collected through the tool will be reviewed on January 10 as part of the first of two public workshops/special  meetings with the Board of Supervisors. During the meeting, the Board and staff will review data collected and begin the  work of creating high-level strategic priorities based on common themes and ideas suggested through the tool. Examples  of some ideas submitted so far include downtown revitalization and linking commercial districts to the recreation economy;  water and sewer systems infrastructure investment; and determining the highest and best use of County-owned property.

Submissions will be most helpful if received by December 31, so that staff has time to review all feedback prior to the  workshop with the Board of Supervisors.

While Inyo County has made an effort to establish a Legislative Platform and effectively determine priorities based on  budgetary allocation, it has never conducted a complete strategic planning exercise. Strategic Planning allows an  organization to clearly articulate a vision for its future, and ultimately allocate the resources necessary to execute that plan.  Given the large number of significant projects being undertaken by Inyo County, and a limited set of resources, developing  and adopting a multi-year strategic plan will greatly help staff and the Board ensure that the right priorities are being focused  on, and the appropriate resources are assigned to make sure that initiatives can be effectively executed.

The January 10 workshop is slated to begin at 9 a.m. in the Board Chambers, County Administrative Center, Independence. The  meeting will also be available via Zoom at or at the following numbers: (669) 900-6833; (346)  248-7799; (253) 215-8782; (929) 205-6099; (301) 715-8592; (312) 626-6799. The webinar ID is 868 254 781.

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