Worldwide Simultaneous Dance of Michael Jackson’s “THRILLER” October 28th at Bishop City Park

Worldwide Simultaneous Dance of Michael Jackson’s “THRILLER” October 28th at Bishop City Park

thrill the world bishop thriller

Thrill the World Bishop is organizing the Annual Worldwide Simultaneous Thriller Dance on Saturday, October 28th at 3pm sharp! This event will take place at Bishop City Park in front of the bandstand, just south of the visitor center. Look for the zombies! The dance will start at 3pm sharp! Dancers need to arrive by 2:30. Dancers under 18 will need a parent or guardian present.

Learn the dance from the comfort of your own home! Visit for everything you need including instructional videos, mp3s, and dance scripts.

Every year Thrill the World hosts a global event inviting Thriller groups in cities around the world to perform Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” at the same time. Thrill the World has been represented in 32 countries on 6 continents by over 23,000 dancers. For more information on Thrill the World visit

It is free to join the dance or attend this public event as a spectator. Thrill the World Bishop is organized by local non-profit community organization Goodent.

For more information on Goodent and their other initiatives, visit

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