Mono CountyNewsRoad Conditions

US 395 Closure at Sonora Junction from September 4th to September 19th


us 395 mono county

US 395 Closure at Sonora Junction from September 4th to September 19th

Beginning Wednesday, September 4, U.S. 395 will fully close from Burcham Flat Road, just north of Bridgeport, to the junction with State Route 108 (Sonora Pass) for 15 days while crews install two wildlife crossings underneath the roadway as part of the Sonora Junction Shoulders Project.

CalTrans will give provide information on the closure at three virtual community meetings:

Caltrans will also be at the September 3rd Mono County Board of Supervisors meeting in Bridgeport. Attend in person, or the meeting can be viewed online with Granicus or Zoom. If you have questions or wish to make public comments, please use the Zoom option.

The detour will take travelers from just south of Bridgeport (182) through Nevada (338) to Holbrook Junction (208 and 395). We’d like to emphasize that the communities of Bridgeport and Walker, Coleville, and Topaz will be accessible during the road closure, and the local businesses will be open and appreciate your support!

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