Mono County Fall Color Report – October 26, 2022




CURRENT FALL COLOR REPORT – October 26, 2022: Winding down but not over….there are still several locations with some great color, but it won’t last long! The next few days to week or so could be the last chance to catch high sierra gold this year!

Past Peak: Between last weekend’s storm and much colder temperatures, many locations are now past peak. Anything over the 7,200′ elevation level will have to wait until next year. This includes Monitor Pass, Sonora Pass, Lobdell Lake Road, Bodie Hills, Virginia Lakes, Conway Summit, Summers Meadows, Tioga Pass, Sagehen Summit, Mammoth Lakes Basin, McGee Creek, and Rock Creek Road.

Last Call: Some locations were unscathed by the storm and the leaves are stilling hanging on! Perhaps described best as “peak to past-peak”, these locations are a mix – some groves are brilliant and peaking with color, while other groves are past-peak with more muted/brownish colors or even no leaves. There’s still plenty of color to be seen in these locations, but get there soon – we predict they will be past peak by next Wednesday. These locations include: Twin Lakes, Bridgeport, Lee Vining Canyon, Lundy Canyon, June Lake Loop, Crowley Lake and Convict Lake. Only a few days left for these special spots!

GO NOW (or soon!)! The only two remaining locations for fall brilliance are the banks of the West Walker River along US 395 and the Antelope Valley in Northern Mono County (including the towns of Walker, Coleville and Topaz). The Walker River Canyon is 75-100% right now and should be perfect this coming week and weekend. The giant cottonwoods in the towns of Antelope Valley are just starting to turn, with some other groves in the 50-75% range. This might be our only peaking location for next week’s report – stay tuned!

For the most up-to-date conditions and pictures, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

We will update this report every Wednesday for the remainder of the season. If you’re new to fall colors in Mono County you can view images from previous years to get an idea of timing for all locations and elevations, and download our Fall Color Map to help navigate all the fall color hot spots in the Eastern Sierra.

0-10% – Just Starting
10-50% – Patchy
50-75% – Near Peak (Go Now!)
75-100% – Peaking (GO NOW!)
Past Peak – (You Missed It)

Monitor Pass (8,314′) – Past Peak
West Walker River, Walker, Coleville and Topaz (5,200′) – 50-100% (GO NOW!) – Golden along the banks of the West Walker River but still green-ish in the Antelope Valley and the towns of Walker, Coleville and Topaz.
Sonora Pass (9,623′) – Past Peak
Lobdell Lake Road (9,274′) – Past Peak

Twin Lakes (7,000′) – 100% Surprisingly great color still hanging around both lakes after the storm. Go early in the morning for the best lighting (before 11am).
Bodie Hills (9,419′) – Past peak
Virginia Lakes (9,819’) – Past peak
Conway Summit (8,143) – Past Peak
Summers Meadow (7,200′) – Past Peak

Tioga Pass (9,943′) – Past peak
Lee Vining Canyon (6,781′) – 100% Peak to past peak – Mixed results ranging from peaking aspens, groves of past peak trees and some areas with muted brown leaves due to the storm.
Lundy Lake & Canyon (7,858′) – 100% Peak to past peak – Mixed results ranging from peaking aspens, groves of past peak trees and some areas with muted brown leaves due to the storm.

Sagehen Summit (8,139’) – Past peak

June Lake Loop/Hwy 158 (7,654′) – 100% Peak to past peak – Mixed results ranging from peaking aspens, groves of past peak trees and some areas with muted brown leaves due to the storm.

MAMMOTH LAKES  Follow Mammoth Lakes Tourism for the most up-to-date information:
Mammoth Lakes Basin (8,996′) – Past Peak

McGee Creek Canyon (8,600’) – Past Peak
Around Crowley community (6,781′) – 100% Peak to past peak – Mixed results ranging from peaking aspens, groves of past peak trees and some areas with muted brown leaves due to the storm.
Convict Lake (7850′) – 100% Peak to past peak – Mixed results ranging from peaking aspens, groves of past peak trees and some areas with muted brown leaves due to the storm.

Rock Creek Road (9,600’) – Past Peak

(From Mono County)

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