MLPD Bear Beat

Bear Activity in Mammoth Lakes from Nov. 1 to 15, 2021

This Month’s theme: Who Should be Reading the Bear Beat?

11/01, Davison Road – A dead bear was found and reported in the bushes between Davison and
Lakeview. Examination revealed trauma to the head and snout. This bear was likely hit by a vehicle.
Please slow down people.

11/01, 6:15 p.m., Lupin Street – A bear cub was reported to be on a neighbor’s porch. The bear was
gone when Officers arrived. The doors must have been locked!

11/02, 6:10 p.m., Forest Trail – Bears were reported in a front yard and were hazed away by Officers.

11/02, 10:25 p.m., Hillside Drive – A bear was reported walking through a parking lot but was gone on

11/04, 11:57 p.m., The Village – A bear broke into the garage through the roll up door and was hazed
away by Officers.

11/05, 1:06 a.m., Cliff Circle – Someone reported a bear on the upper deck checking out the BBQ. It was
gone when Officers arrived.

11/09, 7:26 p.m., Cliff Circle – A bear got into a car but was scared off when the car owner opened the
front door of the house. Owner thought they had locked all the doors.

11/11, Evergreen Street – A bear “demolished” a car’s interior the previous night. The vehicle owner
stated they were not aware a bear may get into a vehicle for food items. This is why EVERYONE should
be reading the Bear Beat!

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