Mammoth Lakes Recreation This Week – July 28, 2022
33rd Annual Kids Fishing Festival this Saturday!
The annual kids fishing festival is this Saturday, July 30 from 8am – 1pm at the SnowCreek Ponds on Old Mammoth Road. Plenty of huge trophy trout from Desert Springs Trout Farm will be stocked in these beautiful High Sierra ponds with Mammoth Mountain forming a picturesque backdrop. This popular event is FREE for kids 14 and under with rods and reels provided, or you can bring your own. Come later, receive more individual attention from our guides, and have lunch. Our fish keep biting all day long! Click here for additional information.
Beach Volleyball Tournament!
We are celebrating the end of Park and Recreation Month with the hotly contested Beach Volleyball Tournament at Shady Rest Park this Saturday, July 30. 6 teams, comprised of 4v4 coed teams will participate in a round-robin style tournament with semi-finals and finals to follow. Come on over an cheer on some exciting beach volleyball at Shady Rest Park. For further information, contact Parks and Recreation at (760) 965-3697.
FREE Swim Day This Sunday!
Beat the heat at the Whitmore Pool this Sunday for the final FREE Swim Sunday on July 31. Please visit the Whitmore Pool website, follow us on Facebook or call the Parks and Recreation Department at (760) 965-3690 for the complete summer schedule, fees and lesson programs, including the AM/PM lap swim schedule. Don’t want to click, no problem, call the pool directly at (760) 965-3692.
The Summer of Awesomeness Keeps Rolling!
For week 8, we are hosting the TK-1 Nature Camp and the 2-5th grade Sports Camp, MTB Camp and Climbing Camp. Grades 6-8 will travel the Eastern Sierra as part of the Aquatics Camp, Youth Theatre commences at the Edison Theatre and the Challenger Sports Soccer Camp is at Shady Rest Park. Click here for camp details and schedules.
The following camps still have availability:
Grade TK-1 Wave Rave Camp (Session 2) and Youtheater Camp: We only have a couple spots left in each of these camps. This is a unique opportunity to register for one of our stellar camps if you are a bit late to the game. Click here to register!
Challenger Sports Soccer Camps: AM Half Day (6-14 years), Full Day and PM Half Day (8-14 years) and Tiny Tykes Camps (3-5 years) available for the August 1-5 camp. Click here to register.
Playwell TEKnologie STEM LEGO® Camps: Minecraft STEM with LEGO® (August 8-12) for ages 6-11 years. Click here to register.
All our camps, including our soccer and LEGO® partner camps, are supported by the Tony Colasardo Scholarship Fund. If you need financial assistance to participate in one of our great programs, we are delighted to help you. Please don’t allow financial restrictions to be a barrier that keeps you from joining us this summer. For questions, please contact Doug Gebhart at (760) 965-3699.
Park, Facilities and Trails Update
Please click here to view the status of our parks, facilities, MUP’s and sidewalks. Please respect our parks and facilities by taking care of your trash, pick-up after your pet and keep your dog on a leash. Thank you!Â
Community Recreation Center (CRC) Update
Hamel Contracting Inc., and the subcontractor, JT2/Craft are working to install the fabric membrane through the building’s aluminum frame. The final arches will be lifted into place next week. Crews are also working on utilities and the transit shelter and bus turnout on Old Mammoth Road. Look for the weekly #crcupdates on the Town’s Facebook page. Temporary park closure: For the duration of construction for the new Community Recreation Center, the Mammoth Creek Park playground, restrooms and parking lot will be CLOSED to the public.
Ride Like A Pro!
Mammoth Lakes Recreation (MLR) has launched a bike safety and rider etiquette campaign called Ride Like A PRO! MLR partnered with Black Tie Adventure Rentals, Footloose Sports, Mammoth Mountain, Wave Rave, and the Mammoth Lakes Trail System to produce a Responsible Riding Guide. Contact MLR to get the guide for your shop, hotel, or vacation rental.
Volunteers Needed!
Mammoth Lakes Recreation is involved with and supports several local stewardship programs and encourages you to do the same! There’s plenty of work to be done to keep our town, trails, and waterways clean and well maintained, and plenty of ways to be involved. Minimal commitment is required, but the rewards are supreme! Each of the programs below offer a way for residents, second home-owners and visitors to join the team and take part in keeping our outdoor recreation sustainable. Learn more about: Trashy Thursdays, Adopt-a-Trail, Summer of Stewardship and Tangle Free Waters.
Fire Restrictions in The Eastern Sierra
Effective Monday, June 6, 2022 the Inyo National Forest and Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office implemented fire restrictions on all Federal lands under their jurisdiction. Seasonal fire restrictions for the Eastern Sierra Region are being implemented in close coordination with other state and local county agencies. The following restrictions will be in place on both agency lands:
- No Campfires, briquette/charcoal barbeques, or stove fires are allowed outside of agency-provided fire rings or barbeques at designated developed recreation sites. Dispersed campfires such as rock rings, will no longer be allowed.
- No Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or in an area at least three feet in diameter barren of all flammable materials.
- No welding or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame.
- No motorized vehicles or tools powered by internal combustion engines off designated roads or trails (such as chainsaws or lawn mowers).
Please Leash Your Dog!
The Mammoth Lakes Police Department will now be issuing citations to all owners with dogs off-leash at Shady Rest Park and throughout Town after issuing only warnings for the last 2 years. It is unlawful for any dog owner to allow their dog to run at large within the Town of Mammoth Lakes Municipal Boundary. The Eastern Sierra offers an incredible outdoor playground for dog owners to play and walk with your dog(s) off-leash. The Town is moving forward with plans for a dog park with construction expected to commence in the fall of 2023. Thank you for your commitment in keeping Mammoth Lakes safe and beautiful for all to enjoy! Learn more about Dog Resources, Licensing, Education and Enforcement.
Zumba Classes
Zumba classes are back at the Mammoth Lakes Community Center every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday night, from 7-8pm. Join Coach Denisse, and get you burn and dance on at the same time! Only $10 per class.
Latin Night at Mammoth Rock ‘n’ Bowl
Kids Karaoke at the Village
Open Mic Mondays
Mindful Movement Sessions at the Hayden Cabin
Mindful Movement sessions are a creative blend of breath, yoga, core qi gong, meditation and so much more, held every Tuesday from 3pm-4pm in the beautiful outdoor space of the Hayden Cabin. FREE to the community.
Mono County Wellness Program Schedule
Click here for information about the Mammoth Lakes program schedule for May – Mental Health Awareness Month.
Clubhouse Live
- Tuesdays 1:00-4:00pm
- Sierra Wellness Center, 181 Sierra Manor Road #4, Mammoth Lakes
- Summer hang time for middle and high school aged individuals. Snacks, games, adventures and more.
Yoga and Guided Meditation
- Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1:30-2:45pm
- Shady Rest Park
- Bring a towel or yoga mat and relax your mind and body.
Sunday Senior Doughnut Drop-In
- Sundays 8:00-9:30am
- Various Locations Join us for coffee, a light breakfast, community, and conversation on Sunday mornings.
Open Space Hang
- Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00pm
- Sierra Wellness Center, 181 Sierra Manor Road #4, Mammoth Lakes
- Join us for a sober evening of games, music, and community.
LBGTQIA+ Potluck – 2nd Tuesday of each month
- Sierra Wellness Center, 181 Sierra Manor Road #4, Mammoth Lakes
- Gather, meet, support, and eat!
Parents of LBGTQIA+ Support Group – 3rd Tuesday of each monthÂ
- Sierra Wellness Center, 181 Sierra Manor Road #4, Mammoth Lakes
- Parents of LBGTQIA+ children gather for support, community, and learning.
Free Well Being App
Get evidence-based self-help resources for emotional health and overall well-being from your smart phone or computer with a free subscription to MyStrength. Visit and use the access code MONO. Subscriptions limited, expires February 2023.
CSA#1 – FREE Community Summer Classes!
The community of Crowley Lake is now offering complimentary summer community recreation classes at the Crowley Lake Community Center. For more information, please visit the Crowley Lake Neighborhood Facebook pageor contact Isabel at (760) 935-4089 to be added to the mailing list.
Elevate Mammoth
Mammoth Lakes Library
Storytime and Reading Challenge
In addition to our weekly Facebook Live Storytimes on Wednesdays at 10:30am and in Spanish alternate Fridays at 10:30am on Mammoth Lakes Library’s Facebook page.
Makerspace and MonoBookBox Program
The library continues to offer free all-ages seasonal Makerspace Kits and Activity Zines for pick up at the front desk, along with Storytime To Go bags for young families at Mammoth Lakes Library. School age kids can still sign up for a few remaining slots in our winter MonoBookBox Program and high school age teens can participate in our Evolution of Storytelling Project  which includes free journaling boxes and zine-making kits and this season adds in-house use of iPads for digital story creation and recording equipment for oral history/podcast style storytelling. Adults can take advantage of our Drop-In Sewing Machine Time at the 2nd floor Makerspace every Wednesday from 2:30-4:30pm. Additional information:
July 15-31: Unbound Chamber Music Festival
July 29-30: Villagefest
July 29-31: Mammoth Lakes Open Air Arts and Crafts
July 30: Children’s Fishing Festival at Snowcreek Ponds
July 31: MLFD Firefighters Picnic at Shady Rest Park
Click here to view the Mammoth Lakes Events Calendar
(From Mammoth Lakes Parks and Recreation)

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