Mammoth Lakes Planning and Economic Development Commission Agenda – May 11, 2022
Planning and Economic Development Commission Agenda
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes
Members of the Planning and Economic Development Commission:
- Chair Michael Vanderhurst
- Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows
- Commissioner Paul Chang
- Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
- Commissioner Greg Eckert
NOTE: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Town Clerk at (760) 965-3602. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Town to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 13.102-35.104 ADA Title II)
NOTE: Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the Town Offices located at 437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite 230 during normal business hours. Such documents are also available on the Town of Mammoth Lakes website at subject to staff’s ability to post the documents before the meeting.
NOTE: All comments will be limited to a speaking time of five minutes.
NOTE: This meeting will be conducted pursuant to the provisions of Assembly Bill 361 which amends certain requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act. It is strongly encouraged that you watch the Planning and Economic Development Commission meetings on the Town of Mammoth Lakes’ website at, on the local government cable channel 18, or via Zoom. Public comments can be submitted to the Town Clerk at [email protected] before and during the meeting.
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The Public Comment portion of the agenda provides the public with an opportunity to address the Planning and Economic Development Commission on matters not otherwise listed on the agenda. Under California law the Planning and Economic Development Commission is prohibited from generally discussing or taking action on items not included in the agenda; however, the Commission may briefly respond to comments or questions from members of the public. Therefore, the Commission will listen to all public comment, but will not generally discuss the matter or take action on it. Requests for service from the Town may also be made at the Town offices during regular business hours. Members of the public desiring to speak on a matter appearing on the agenda should ask the Chair for the opportunity to be heard when the item comes up for Commission consideration.
Public Hearing Procedure: The Chair will open the public hearing and then: Statement and presentation by staff. Statement and presentation by property owner or appellant. Questions from the Planning and Economic Development Commission. Call for testimony from those persons wishing to speak. Rebuttal to previous testimony by property owner or appellant. Close the public hearing, terminating public testimony. The Commission will deliberate the matter and arrive at a decision.
- 4.1 Public hearing and consideration of Tentative Tract Map 21-001, Use Permit 22-002, Use Permit 21-001, Design Review 21-001, and Adjustment 21-006 for the Villas III Subdivision, a proposed 33-unit residential development located at 100 Callahan Way.
- An Addendum to the 1991 Lodestar at Mammoth EIR has been prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15164 (Addendum to an EIR or Negative Declaration).
- Applicant/ Property Owner: Mark Rafeh for Mammoth Springs Resorts, LLC
- 4.2 Consideration of Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 22-002, Use Permit (UPA) 22-001, and Major Design Review (DR) 22-001, for approval of the “Limelight Hotel” development project located at the northwest corner of Canyon Boulevard and Lake Mary Road (Mammoth Hillside site) in the “Plaza Resort” and “Specialty Lodging” zone of the North Village Specific Plan Area. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, an Addendum to the 1999 Subsequent Program Environmental Impact Report (SPEIR) was prepared for the Limelight Hotel project.
- Applicant/ Property Owner: Aspen Skiing Company / Limelight Mammoth LLC
- 4.3 Consideration of Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 22-001, for approval of the creation of 14 lots for future affordable housing uses, 3 lots for open space and parks, and public street dedications to complete the westerly extension of Tavern Road, the creation of Inyo Street connecting Center Street and Tavern Rd and the northerly extension of Chaparral Road. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183.3, Streamlining for Infill Projects, an Infill Environmental Checklist was approved. The Infill Environmental Checklist determined that potential direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental effects associated with the project were previously and adequately analyzed.
- Applicant/ Property Owner: Pacific West Communities, Inc./Town of Mammoth Lakes
- 4.4 Consider approval of Variance 21-001 for a 47.5% reduction of the rear setback to allow for a 10-foot 6-inch setback for a proposed new single-family residence and attached garage at 182 Davison Road. The proposed action includes finding the project categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Guidelines Section 15303, New Construction of Small Structures.
- Applicant: Elliott Brainard
- Property Owner: Dauernheim Family Trust
- 4.5 Public hearing and consideration of a Variance (VAR) request to permit a 0-foot front yard setback, a 100% reduction of the 20-foot front setback requirement, for the construction of a detached single-car garage located in front of an existing single-family residence at 31 Mala Ulice. The project is reviewed under Application no. VAR 22-001 and is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Guidelines §15301(e), Existing Facilities.
- Applicant/ Property Owner: Dotan Saguy
- 4.6 Public hearing and consideration of a Variance (VAR) 22-002 request to permit an 65% reduction of the required 20-foot front yard setback to allow for a 7-foot setback and an Adjustment (ADJ) 22-002 request a 9.3% building height increase to allow for a building height of 38 feet and 3 inches for the reconstruction of an attached garage and single-family residence located at 751 Majestic Pines Drive. The project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures).
- Applicant/ Property Owner: John L and Cheryl C Gabele
Informational reports from Commissioner representatives on committees, commissions, and organizations; general reports on Commission activities. Opportunity to add urgency items pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2(b)2, if necessary; and to remove items from consent for separate discussion.
Design Committee – Paul Chang and Jennifer Burrows
Mobility Committee – Michael Vanderhurst and Jessica Kennedy
The Director’s Report portion of the agenda provides the Director with an opportunity to address the Planning and Economic Development Commission on Community and Economic Development work items.
The Planning and Economic Development Commission will adjourn to a regular meeting to be held on June 8, 2022.
(From the Mammoth Lakes Planning and Economic Development Commission)
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