National ParksEmergency ServicesInyo CountyNews

Heat caused man’s death at Natural Bridge

death valley

Heat caused man’s death at Natural Bridge

natural bridge
Robino’s vehicle below Natural Bridge parking lot. NPS photo

DEATH VALLEY, Calif. – A man died of heat exposure at Natural Bridge Trailhead on August 1. Peter Hayes Robino (57) was a resident of the Los Angeles County community of Duarte. This was the second heat death this summer in Death Valley National Park.

Bystanders saw Robino stumble as he returned from the one-mile roundtrip Natural Bridge Trail. The bystanders offered to help Robino, but he declined. They said his responses did not make sense.

Robino got in his car and drove off a steep 20-foot embankment at the edge of the parking lot. The car rolled over and airbags deployed. A bystander left to call 911. Other bystanders helped Robino walk back to the parking lot and provided shade.

National Park Service (NPS) emergency responders received the 911 call at 3:50 pm and arrived at 4:10. The bystanders said Robino was breathing until just before the park rangers arrived. NPS EMTs started CPR and moved Robino into the air-conditioned ambulance. Robino was declared dead at 4:42.

An autopsy conducted by the Inyo County Coroner found that Robino died of hyperthermia. Symptoms of overheating can include confusion, irritability, and lack of coordination. The Furnace Creek weather station recorded 119°F that afternoon.

“My condolences go out to Mr. Robino’s family and friends,” said Superintendent Mike Reynolds, who was one of the EMTs that responded to this incident. “His death serves as a reminder not to underestimate the dangers of extreme heat.”

Park rangers in Death Valley National Park advise that summer visitors:

  • Avoid the heat by staying in or near air-conditioning,
  • Not hike after 10 am at low elevations,
  • Drink plenty of water, and
  • Eat salty snacks.

Death Valley National Park is the homeland of the Timbisha Shoshone and preserves natural resources, cultural resources, exceptional wilderness, scenery, and learning experiences within the nation’s largest conserved desert landscape and some of the most extreme climate and topographic conditions on the planet. Learn more at

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