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Golden Trout Guiding Co. – 2024 Golden Trout Trip


2024 Golden Trout Trip

Starts With A Dream…

As I sit in my office on this snowy February day I cant help but to get excited about our up coming Golden Trout Trip this summer (July 28th-August 3rd) and reminisce on how it finally come to fruition…


It was early February 2020 and I was working in a gear shop in Bishop, CA and guiding part time on the side. The world was coming to a halt as lockdown’s began taking place. As the chaos of Covid unfolded. I closed my eyes and transported to my happy place at 11,000 ft. in elevation, not a soul around, and fishing for eight inch golden trout with a size 16 Ant.

golden trout guiding


My manager tapped my shoulder “can you go do an inventory on the Patagonia please?” and back to reality I shook off the dream and got back to work. Shortly after that month retail was closed in Bishop and I was left to day dream without interruption.

golden trout guiding

Our front country is epic, East Walker, Crowley Lake, Owens River, and all of the beautiful mountain tributaries that flow into the valley. There is a lifetime of angling walking distance from the road. But when I looked around in the guiding world I saw what I consider to be the pinnacle of Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing relatively untouched. That is when the pursuit of putting together an exclusive high country Golden Trout Excursion began.

golden trout guiding


In 2021 I started Golden Trout Guiding Co. as a belief and manifestation that it was possible and kept that dream alive. I knew it would take time and the right people to make it happen and three years later we find ourselves here, day dreaming once again. Except this time around, it’s no longer just a dream, it is happening.

golden trout guiding

My friends the trip of a lifetime is at our doorstep and I welcome you to indulge in dreaming with me. There are a few things I have learned in this short window of time we have on the amazing planet… The most important being to keep the dream and never give up. Go further, go fail, and get back out there again.

-Luke Kinney, Owner of G.T.G.C and Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide.

Phone; (858) 750 9820

Email; [email protected]

Join us for a week long all inclusive trip into the remote Eastern Sierra high country for some of the world’s purest strain of native Golden Trout. Click below for the full trip Itinerary, pricing and deposit, and to book now.


golden trout guiding
In partnership with McGee Creek Pack Station and Eastern Sierra Sport Fishing.

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, McGee Creek Pack Station, LLC and Golden Trout Guiding Co. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Golden Trout Guiding Co. is operating under permit from USDA Forest Service under McGee Creek Pack Station’s Special Use Permit on the Inyo National Forest

All bookings will be made exclusively through McGee Creek Pack Station.

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