Beyond the Beyond: Who is Lam?
Beyond the Beyond: Who is Lam?

We have to answer this question by first asking who was Aleister Crowley? The name conjures bad feelings in some, or recollections of song lyrics from the ’70s in others. Most have a fleeting reference through pop culture, and are unaware of the details of the life of a very complicated man.
Crowley (pronounced Crow-Lee) was born Edward Alexander Crowley on October 12, 1875, in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England, and was the son of a very religious and wealthy family. His father was a brewer and a preacher, and his mother was deeply religious and a devout member of the Plymouth Brethren, a strict Christian sect.
Her moral code often clashed with Aleister’s newly found interest in occultism and mysticism, and it became a serious strain on their relationship. Some believe that her strict religious beliefs and rigid control had a profound impact on Crowley, and to a serious extent had the opposite of its desired effect as his nature took on more of a rebellious tone as he grew into adulthood.

Crowley was a member of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a magical society in London founded in the late 19th century. They were known for ritual magic and esoteric teachings, and Crowley, a charismatic figure, quickly rose through the ranks of the order. His prickly personality eventually led to a split in the organization, and he left to develop his own magical system and philosophy.
In a ritual called the Amantra Working in 1917, Crowley claimed to have contacted a mysterious entity named Lam who seems to resemble the modern archetype of the gray alien. The being is characterized by an oversized, teardrop-shaped head and a small body.

The ritual took place inside of a New York apartment that belonged to Crowley’s partner named Rody Miner, who, despite not having any affiliation with the occult, claimed to have drug-induced visions of a wizard who wished to speak with Crowley.
During the working, Lam identified himself as a being of extreme intelligence and signified this by sharing various magical symbols and numeric values that held significant interest with Crowley. He spoke of a connection to Baphomet, a goat headed deity that in occultism is often associated with individualism and the rejection of dogma, something Crowley throughout his life would become even more experienced with.
The first time Crowley published his drawing of Lam was in Helena Blavatsky’s The Voice of The Silence, a key work in Theosophy that drew from Eastern spiritual traditions like Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism.
Over the years, Lam gained attention in circles outside of Crowley’s influence. Following Crowley’s death, Lam continued to intrigue the occultist (and Crowley’s former secretary) Kenneth Grant. He mangled Crowley’s teachings with his own interest in extraterrestrials, and even some of the writings of H.P. Lovecraft for good measure. Grant developed and published what he regarded a way to contact the entity and called it The Lam Statement. You can download it here, although I would suggest merely using it as only research, and not attempting to perform any of the rituals herein.
I reached out to occultist, writer, and musician Wyatt McKenzie, who claims to have had experience with Lam, or as you will come to find out, the Lam. He has his own thoughts on Crowley as well, which you can hear here:
Wyatt, how did you come in contact with the being or beings known as Lam?
When I discovered Kenneth Grant and the writings of his successor Michael Staley, I was utterly transfixed. I felt like I had found something that resonated with me completely. A blending of Thelemic occultism with UFO phenomena and a brave and complete mapping of the qliphothic tunnels of Set. Something Crowley himself had only touched upon in his writing of Liber 218.
I was living in a house in Las Vegas and was in an extremely unhealthy relationship. After reading the Lam statement for the first time, I immediately practiced the ritual, which was to gaze into the painting and astrally project myself into the entity’s forehead, floating down a sloping, tentacled corridor to gaze out of the entity’s head and into an alien landscape. I achieved this rather easily, and found myself on what felt like a foreign planet, gazing at a dome-like structure that resembled a church. Multiple Lam, or egg headed beings, surrounded the dome shaped building.
I was meditating close to my then girlfriend, who would at times in our relationship be overcome by supernatural forces. My vision was interrupted when she awoke from sleep and said she was visited by an egg headed grey alien, who told me to quickly get a pen and write down a series of code and important messages. This was all complete coincidence as she had no idea what I was doing, and was sleeping when I discovered these writings.
Lam spoke to me through her for many hours and I filled a notebook with a grimoire.
He told me to start an Order called The R.E.D. Moon. R.E.D. Stood for Ruby, Emerald, and Diamond. I have, over the years, come to recognize these three stones as being representative of three important initiatory grades. The Ruby is related to the muladhara chakra, the Emerald to anahata, and the Diamond to ajna. It’s almost like a fast way of reaching enlightenment.
The Ruby also represents the masculine personality, the Emerald the feminine, and the Diamond represents the merging of the two into a godlike state. All three personalities must be aligned before this initiation can be reached. It gives a person limitless magical powers.
Lam also introduced me to the powers of my own personal number, 44, which is the number of The Phoenix. I have used this number to overcome obstacles in my life and to be reborn from fire and ash, much like the great fire bird. 44 is also the Gematria for the Hebrew word for blood, which also relates to the R.E.D. Moon, as does lunar activity.
I would say Lam has a vital link to the Thelemic goddess Babalon. The two have an extremely important relationship.
Lam told me he was once a human who lived in a tribe in Africa in the 1400s, and that he had been murdered or martyred by colonists.
He told me he lives in the past, present, and future simultaneously and hinted that he was me and I would be him in the distant future.
He called the process of overtaking mediums to spy on our planet “the paradox game.”
I have since been visited by Lam countless times without the mediumship of others. All of this has occurred through my own dreams and visions. He appears to be a lifelong friend and guide who wants to protect the world from future nuclear warfare.
It’s also extremely important to note that there are more than one Lam. I believe they are called The Lam, and that they are future manifestations of ourselves. They journey here to warn us of what we will become if we are not careful, and that there is still time to change.
Not everyone will agree with me. This is, of course, a controversial opinion. And I have no link or connection to the Typhonian OTO. But I have had many experiences nonetheless through independent and self initiatory practice.
It is interesting to note that the “they are us, and we are them” idea aligns quite perfectly to the messaging that so-called abductees have received from aliens aboard their crafts. There are countless numbers of people who say they have been given a message that Earth is on a path to destruction, and that if we don’t turn things around soon, the fate of the entire planet will be at stake.
Did Crowley open up some portal with the Amantra working to let in the species we know as grey aliens, was it some extra dimensional entity who was merely guiding Crowley away from societal norms and toward knowledge and enlightenment, or was it the writings, drawings and ramblings of a madman caught up in his own twisted fantasy?
Have you had an encounter? Message me @beyondthebeyond1 on Instagram.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Eastern Sierra Now. Readers are encouraged to conduct further research and consult with relevant experts or professionals before making any decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided in this article.
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