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Eastern Sierra AFSCME ICEA Local 315 Mourns Loss of Dave Miller


It is with utmost shock and sadness that we mourn the devastating loss of our coworker, Dave Miller. 

Dave was, in so many ways, the heart and soul of our Union.  Over the many years he played a committed leadership role in Local 315, Dave caringly gave many hundreds of hours to his Union brothers and sisters, representing his coworkers as Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Audit trustee, Delegate to Council 57, and a member of the Union’s Bargaining Team.  

Dave was both a team player and an independent thinker.  His kind and considerate nature supported his diligence in putting forward his vision that people, and organizations, be supported to do their very best. When he saw people shine, he never held back on appreciating them. Dave played a pivotal role in supporting the organizing of the union at the hospital, designed our union shirts, kept our lists, communicated our strategy, housed our picket signs, and led the effort for our union to commemorate Clint Quilter as a unifying force at Inyo County. 

It is unimaginable to us that someone should do something so hateful to our coworker, friend, and brother.

It has been our great privilege to work with Dave, and our hearts go out to his family and the many people impacted by this tragedy. We are raising money for his family..

dave miller

ICEA Local 315, Never Quit

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