Candidate Introduction – Jennifer Slayton for Kern Community College District Area 2 Trustee

J Slayton

I’m Jennifer Slayton and I’m running for Kern Community College District (KCCD) Area 2 Trustee. I’m running to make sure East Kern, the Eastern Sierras, and our Rural Communities have real representation and get the resources that we deserve. I have the knowledge, experience, and commitment to our communities to make that happen.

I’ve spent my entire career fighting for rural communities, the past fifteen while living in Ridgecrest and raising my family, and have a proven track record of being a strong voice for our communities. I’ve worked for the past ten years to expand KCCD services to rural areas. I’ve represented our communities on the County’s Local Childcare Planning Council. I’ve sat on advisory committees for the Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan and First 5. I’m proud to be known throughout the region as an advocate for rural communities. I’ve also worked for the past seventeen years in education administration, and so understand the complex issues facing public education and funding. And I’ve served on the Bond Oversight Committee for KCCD for Measure G, where I gained invaluable insight into the colleges in the district.

Most importantly, I know firsthand how essential Cerro Coso is to our communities when we have few if any other higher education options. My husband is a proud Cerro Coso graduate, I’ve taken classes there to further my career, and my kids have participated in programs supported by Cerro Coso. I also understand how essential Cerro Coso is to our local economies. I’ve seen the education and training programs they offer help drive our business and economic development locally, and I know how important it is for our communities and our futures that this leadership continues and grows.

When the voters of District 2 elect me, I will work to protect and grow educational opportunities for our youth and all residents. I will work to ensure that KCCD provides leadership in growing and developing our local economies. And I will work to increase access for all, especially in rural and hard-to-reach areas. Most importantly, I will be a real voice fighting for East Kern, the Eastern Sierras, and our Rural Communities to have the representation and resources that we deserve.

You can learn more about me, and connect with me at I would be humbled and honored to have your vote on November 8th.

(From Jennifer Slayton, candidate for Kern Community College District Area 2 Trustee)

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