State Assembly Approves Bill Exempting 2020 Wildfire Victims from Solar Panel Building Requirement

types of solar panels section 1SACRAMENTO – The California State Assembly has approved an exemption for wildfire victims from a law requiring all newly built homes to have solar panels.

Assemblyman Jim Patterson introduced AB 1078 in order to include victims of numerous devastating 2020 wildfires in an exemption granted toPattersonbudgetsub3 7 previous wildfire victims. Without this bill, anyone trying to rebuild after a wildfire would be required to put solar panels on their home.

“Thousands of homes were lost in 2020 wildfires. Many of these victims already do not have enough insurance money to cover the cost of rebuilding as it is,” said Assemblyman Patterson said. “AB 1078 will help ease the burden of rebuilding after everything they had was destroyed.”

This bill would apply to victims of some of the largest fires in state history including the August Complex, SCU Lightning Complex, LNU Lightning Complex as well as the Glass, Zogg, and Creek fires.

AB 1078 moves to the Senate to the Senate Natural Resources Committee.



Assemblyman Patterson (R-Fresno) represents the 23rd Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes communities in Fresno and Tulare County.

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Jesse Steele

TIP JAR Jesse is a media content creator and film maker from the Eastern Sierra.
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