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“Yellow Alert” Bill Helps Law Enforcement Find Hit and Run Drivers

‘Yellow Alert’ Bill Helps Law Enforcement Find Hit & Run Drivers

Passes Unanimously in Public Safety Committee

Patch of the California Highway PatrolSACRAMENTO – Legislation introduced by Assemblyman Jim Patterson to make it easier for law enforcement to track down hit and run drivers was approved in the Assembly Public Safety Committee in a unanimous vote.

Under AB 1732, local law enforcement agencies that need the public’s help finding a hit and run driver would ask the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to activate a ‘Yellow Alert.’ Freeway signs in a designated area would then be lit up with a vehicle licenses plate or description.

“When a driver leaves the scene of the crime, they fail to do the most humane thing – to stay and render critical aid to the person they hurt,” Patterson said. “We need to do everything possible to help law enforcement find these drivers so they can be held accountable for their actions.”

AB 1732 moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for a vote.

Assemblyman Patterson (R-Fresno) represents the 23rd Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes communities in Fresno and Tulare County.

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