NIHD surgery flooring project finishes ahead of schedule

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Once movers replaced equipment and NIHD’s Environmental Service Team completed the terminal cleaning process, the Post-Acute Care Unit was ready for patients once again.
Photo by Scot Swan/Northern Inyo Healthcare District

This week Northern Inyo Healthcare District fully re-opened its three operating suites and Post-Acute Care Unit following the completion of a flooring replacement project that finished about one month early.

“I am delighted to report to the community that our surgery suites have enhanced, brand new flooring,” says NIHD Chief Executive Officer Kelli Davis. “This project has been a long-time coming. Our operating rooms are the core of our hospital and often the site of life-saving surgeries. These areas, more than any other, require materials to withstand heavy use and at the same time guarantee the highest level of sterilization possible. I feel we’ve improved not just patient safety, and but staff safety as well.”

The project began Jan. 1 and was anticipated to run through mid-April. Once the flooring vendor’s team began working with the NIHD maintenance and surgery teams, it became apparent things would move much quicker than anticipated.

“Anyone who has completed project like this knows you plan for the best, expect the worst, and be ready for surprises,” Davis says. “Our team really brought its best to this project, everything from the planning to executing equipment moves, plus re-installing the sensitive equipment and sterilizing the rooms for use. The pleasant surprise was the almost 30-day reduction in our timeline, which allows our surgeons and support teams to get back to doing what they do best – enhancing the lives of area residents.”

In all, McCrory’s Flooring of San Jose replaced more than 10,500 square feet of flooring. NIHD conducts between 1,200 and 1,400 surgical cases per year, most

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The team from McCrory’s Flooring of San Jose lays down barrier paper in preparation for the new flooring in NIHD’s Post-Acute Care Unit. All operating rooms and the PACU are back in full operation. Photo by Scot Swan/Northern Inyo Healthcare District

conducted on an outpatient basis. NIHD remains the only hospital between Carson City and Lancaster to offer minimally-invasive robot-assisted surgery with its da Vinci Surgical System. Among the surgery services offered at NIHD are orthopedic, ophthalmology, urology, gynecologic, colorectal, breast, hand, and general surgery. NIHD works with more than a dozen surgeons in these specialty areas, as well as a robust surgical nursing team, anesthesiologists, sterile processing technicians, and specially training Environmental Service team members.

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A McCrory’s team member rolls out the air beneath the barrier paper in preparation for the new flooring. The team often put in long days and worked some weekends to help NIHD meet an early timeline. Photo by Scot Swan/Northern Inyo Healthcare District

About Northern Inyo Healthcare District: Founded in 1946, Northern Inyo Healthcare District features a 25-bed critical access hospital, a 24-hour emergency department, a primary care rural health clinic, a
diagnostic imaging center, and clinics specializing in women’s health, orthopedics, internal medicine, pediatrics and allergies, general surgery, colorectal surgery, breast cancer surgery and urology. Continually
striving to improve the health outcomes of those who rely on its services, Northern Inyo Healthcare District aims to improve our communities one life at a time. One team, one goal, your health.


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Jesse Steele

TIP JAR Jesse is a media content creator and film maker from the Eastern Sierra.
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