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News you can use from Bishop Chamber of Commerce

Bishop Chamber of Commerce News & Updates

From the Executive Director…

Hello Chamber Members and Friends,

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read this e-newsletter. We hope you find the information helpful and that you’ll join us for some of the wonderful upcoming events.

Your chamber team has been quite busy lately. We just completed the fifth consumer sport/travel show since January. The Bart Hall Show at the Long Beach Convention Center was a huge success! Volunteers Gary and Pat Gunsolley distributed more than 5,200 brochures including new Bishop Visitor Guides, Treasure Maps, Fishing Guides and new Inyo County Fishing Maps.

The chamber team is also working on other upcoming projects including the General Trout Opener Media Reception, rescheduled Blake Jones Trout Derby and the US Travel Association IPW International Tourism Conference. Your membership and support makes all this and more possible – THANK YOU!

We have recently heard from many business members that hiring is a real challenge. We are pleased to be working with Eastern Sierra Small Business Resource Center and several other partners to organize the Eastern Sierra Employment Day next month. This will be an important project to help small businesses succeed in the current tight labor market.

There are several new opportunities for professional and personal development highlighted in this message. There are also several fun events coming up for both locals and visitors. This email highlights a few of them and there are even more online at

If your business or organization is planning an event, please let us know so we can add it to the web calendar. If you have a member-to-member deal or discount, please let us know and we’ll highlight it in our next e-news.

Have a wonderful day!




After Hours Mixer

Date: Tuesday, April 18

Time: 5-7pm

Location: 1903 Taphouse & Co. |175 N. Main Street, Bishop

Enjoy complimentary appetizers and beverages while networking with fellow business owners and community members. All members and guests are welcome to join the fun!

PS – Theresa is collecting vintage Bishop photos to decorate the Taphouse walls. If you have any to share, please bring them.



Click Here To RSVP for Inyo Associates














Summer Air Service



Winter flights into Bishop Airport will end soon (April 9), but it’s great to hear we’ll have service again this summer!

2023 summer service with United Airlines will resume on June 23 and fly direct to San Francisco (SFO) through September 4 daily.

And, locals will continue to receive a discount. Click here to learn more.



Check out the new website

This winter’s epic snowfall in the mountains may lead to extreme runoff in the Owens Valley. This helpful website will help you be prepared to protect your property and yourself.


Not Already A Chamber Member?

The Bishop Area Chamber of Commerce and Information Center is a local based non-profit organization the works diligently to support the regional economy. Our mission is to promote business, tourism and responsible recreation. All business sectors are welcome and we hope you’ll consider joining our efforts.

Click here to learn more.

(From Bishop Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau)

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