Mono County Childcare Quality Scores Continue to Climb
Three Local Providers Receive Top Rating
Mono County Childcare Quality Scores Continue to Climb; Three Local Providers Receive Top Rating
MONO COUNTY, CA (June 19, 2024) – Each year, First 5 Mono County (First 5 Mono) and the Mono County Office of Education work with childcare and education sites within Mono and Alpine Counties to support childcare quality through the Childcare Quality System (System). This System is a comprehensive approach to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early care and education programs. Participating State Preschool sites can earn ratings (1-5). State funders no longer fund ratings for other sites, but since ratings are valid for 5 years, some other sites’ ratings remain valid. This year, three Mono County sites are rated at the System’s highest rating (5: Highest Quality), and three sites are rated at the System’s second highest rating (4: Exceeding Quality)!
“Childcare Quality System participation is a tool for the public to recognize sites’ high quality and completion of professional development, and also for parents to take into consideration when choosing a childcare,” said Molly DesBaillets, Executive Director of First 5 Mono County. “This year, several participating sites earned or maintained a rating of five, including Mammoth Lakes State Preschool, Mono County Office of Education Inclusion Preschool, and Little Lupins. In addition, three participating sites earned or maintained the second highest designation, including Bridgeport Elementary State Preschool, Mammoth Kids Corner, and Mountain Warfare Training Child Development Center. Other participating sites included Little Toes Preschool, Garcia Family Daycare, Cherubs Academy, Carmen Garcia Family Daycare, Vasquez Family Daycare, Garcia Family Daycare, and Family Friend and Neighbor Provider.”
Ratings are based upon a set of California state standards known to promote high-quality early learning for children. The three local sites that earned or maintained the top rating of “5 – Highest Quality” are recognized as exceeding quality standards in all areas.
Rating Standards Include
- Interactions between teachers and children
- How teachers meet and support the developmental needs of children
- The health and safety of the classroom
- Staff qualifications and training
- Group size, number of children per teacher
Additional details on the Childcare Quality System can be accessed here.

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