Mammoth Lakes Recreation This Week – September 15, 2022
Fun Fall Programs are Underway!
Fall programming is underway with the Fall Bike Squad, NEW Wave Rave Skate Squad, NEW Fall Adult Soccer League and expanded Gymnastics Classes. There are still spaces available in 3rd-5th Grade Skate Squad and 3-4 Year Old Gymnastic Classes. Click here to register online or call (760) 965-3699 for all the details.
Mammoth Ice Rink to Reopen November 25
The current completion schedule provided by Hamel Contracting Inc. for the Community Recreation Center (CRC) is mid-winter. Without a firm date for opening, the Town will be re-opening the outdoor ice rink for Thanksgiving on Friday, November 25, 2022 (subject to weather). This will ensure that our community of ice skaters, figure skaters and curlers, and our many winter visitors looking to skate outdoors under lights, along with our expanding local youth/adult hockey programs will be able to enjoy professionally maintained and refrigerated outdoor ice this winter. Please visit to review the updated winter schedule, rates and session times.
Adult Fall Coed Soccer League
The Parks and Recreation Department is looking to host an Adult Fall Coed Soccer League at Whitmore Sports Field on Sunday afternoons from 12pm-4pm (September 18 – November 6). A minimum of four teams is required to run the league. For more information, and to register a team or as an individual, please click here.
Save the Date – NEW Programs!
The super popular Bike Rodeo is coming back! Save the date for Saturday, October 15 at the Whitmore Recreation Area. Stay tuned for more details next week.
Registration for winter programing OPENS on Monday October 24. Winter programming includes all the activities we run from November – February including: Ice skating Lessons, Gymnastics, Hot Shots Basketball, Cooking class, and potentially more.
Park, Facilities and Trails Update
Please click here to view the status of our parks, facilities, MUP’s and sidewalks. Please respect our parks and facilities by taking care of your trash, pick-up after your pet and keep your dog on a leash. Thank you!
Community Recreation Center (CRC) Update
This week, work continued on interior insulation, erecting the vertical end beams on the Sprung structure, forming the concrete foundations/pad for the HVAC/Chiller systems and grading the mobility hub. JT2/Craft continue to install the 18” thick insulation rolls on the inside of the membrane panels. This work is very labor intensive but when completed, will provide optimal heating and cooling efficiency. Grading of the mobility hub is also underway, and Tesla is expected to start their work on the 16 charging stations the week after next. Framing of the bus shelter on Old Mammoth Road is expected to commence this month as well. The Town appreciates the community’s understanding and patience as we work towards enhancing our community recreation amenities. Look for the weekly #crcupdates on the Town’s Facebook page. Temporary park closure: For the duration of construction for the new Community Recreation Center, the Mammoth Creek Park playground, restrooms and parking lot will be CLOSED to the public.
Work for Parks and Recreation!
If you’re passionate about recreation in our local community and want to secure a job supporting the performing arts, come and join our team at the Edison Theater! We’re looking for a Site Coordinator and temporary Recreation Facilities Staff. The Site Coordinator will coordinate, supervise, implement, and promote scheduled activities at the Edison Theater, while Facilities Staff will provide operational support to and act as the front-line ambassadors at the Edison Theater. Successful candidates should be available to work weekdays, weekends, evenings, and holidays. Click here to learn more and to apply!
Mammoth Tuff
The name, Mammoth TUFF, is a nod to the Long Valley Caldera and the volcanic stone that defines ‘gravel’ in the area. The short Tuff is around 45 miles with 2,000 feet of climbing and will circle the famous caldera. The medium Tuffer is around 75 ish miles and the long Tuffest is around 105 miles with 8,000 feet of elevation gain and travels through the Volcanic Tableland formed by the Long Valley Caldera. Prepare to be transported back in time on routes used by miners and even further back. The event is scheduled on Saturday, September 17. Click here for details and to register.
Crowley Lake Trail Run
The Crowley Lake Trail Run 5k/10k and kids 1k on Saturday, September 25 is a fundraising run designed to benefit the local community with active classes, special workshops and neighborhood improvements. The course winds through fire roads next to Crowley Lake and past Beaver Cove and Crooked Creek. The run offers something for everyone, but all are guaranteed to have a good time. There will be plenty of support on the trail, the course will be marked all along the way so there’s no getting lost, there are 3 aid stations with water and a friendly face to cheer you on. Come out and support your local community. Click here for information or to register.
Mammoth TrailFest
Mammoth TrailFest from September 22-25 is a multi-day community focused experience filled with world-class trail races, free live events, storytelling, and great local food designed to increase access for all abilities and backgrounds. Runners can register for the McCoy 26K (16.5 miles / 4,000ft+ / $5,250 Purse), the Mammoth 50K (31.5 miles / 7,000ft+ / $8,000 Purse) or take on the Dragon’s Back Ascent (2.75 miles, 2,400ft+ to the top of California’s highest ski resort!). Mammoth Trailfest are true mountain races designed for aesthetic, flow, and runners of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Click here to learn more or to register.
Fire Restrictions in The Eastern Sierra
Effective Monday, June 6, 2022 the Inyo National Forest and Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office implemented fire restrictions on all Federal lands under their jurisdiction. Seasonal fire restrictions for the Eastern Sierra Region are being implemented in close coordination with other state and local county agencies. The following restrictions will be in place on both agency lands:
- No Campfires, briquette/charcoal barbeques, or stove fires are allowed outside of agency-provided fire rings or barbeques at designated developed recreation sites. Dispersed campfires such as rock rings, will no longer be allowed.
- No Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or in an area at least three feet in diameter barren of all flammable materials.
- No welding or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame.
- No motorized vehicles or tools powered by internal combustion engines off designated roads or trails (such as chainsaws or lawn mowers).
Please Leash Your Dog!
The Mammoth Lakes Police Department is issuing citations to all owners with dogs off-leash at Shady Rest Park and throughout Town after issuing only warnings for the last 2 years. It is unlawful for any dog owner to allow their dog to run at large within the Town of Mammoth Lakes Municipal Boundary. The Eastern Sierra offers an incredible outdoor playground for dog owners to play and walk with your dog(s) off-leash. The Town is moving forward with plans for a dog park with construction expected to commence in the fall of 2023. Thank you for your commitment in keeping Mammoth Lakes safe and beautiful for all to enjoy! Learn more about Dog Resources, Licensing, Education and Enforcement.
Zumba Classes
Zumba classes are back at the Mammoth Lakes Community Center every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday night, from 7-8pm. Join Coach Denisse, and get you burn and dance on at the same time! Only $10 per class.
Latin Night at Mammoth Rock ‘n’ Bowl
Open Mic Mondays
Mindful Movement Sessions at the Hayden Cabin
Mindful Movement sessions are a creative blend of breath, yoga, core qi gong, meditation and so much more, held every Tuesday from 3pm-4pm in the beautiful outdoor space of the Hayden Cabin. FREE to the community.
Mono County Wellness Program Schedule
Click here for information about the Mammoth Lakes program schedule
Clubhouse Live
- Returns Fall 2022
- Sierra Wellness Center, 181 Sierra Manor Road #4, Mammoth Lakes
- Free social program for middle and high school students. Snacks, activities, and more!
Sunday Senior Doughnut Drop-In
- Ongoing
- Sundays 8:00-10:00am
- Various Locations Join us for coffee, a light breakfast, community, and conversation on Sunday mornings:
- September 18: Black Velvet
- September 25: Mammoth Coffee Roasters
Open Space Hang
- Ongoing
- Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00pm
- Sierra Wellness Center, 181 Sierra Manor Road #4, Mammoth Lakes
- Join us for a sober evening of games, music, and community.
Free MyStrength App – Access Code MONO
- Get a flexible and comprehensive digital program with proven tools
- and dedicated support for stress, depression, sleep, and more.
- Get your free app here using the promo code MONO.
CSA#1 – FREE Community Fall Classes!
The community of Crowley Lake is now offering complimentary fall community recreation classes at the Crowley Lake Community Center. For more information, please visit the Crowley Lake Neighborhood Facebook pageor contact Isabel at (760) 935-4089 to be added to the mailing list.
Elevate Mammoth
Mammoth Lakes Library
Storytime and Reading Challenge
In addition to our weekly Facebook Live Storytimes on Wednesdays at 10:30am and in Spanish alternate Fridays at 10:30am on Mammoth Lakes Library’s Facebook page.
Makerspace and MonoBookBox Program
The library continues to offer free all-ages seasonal Makerspace Kits and Activity Zines for pick up at the front desk, along with Storytime To Go bags for young families at Mammoth Lakes Library. School age kids can still sign up for a few remaining slots in our winter MonoBookBox Program and high school age teens can participate in our Evolution of Storytelling Project which includes free journaling boxes and zine-making kits and this season adds in-house use of iPads for digital story creation and recording equipment for oral history/podcast style storytelling. Adults can take advantage of our Drop-In Sewing Machine Time at the 2nd floor Makerspace every Wednesday from 2:30-4:30pm. Additional information:
Sept. 17: Mammoth Tuff
Sept. 17: Lakes Basin Clean Up
Sept. 22-25: Mammoth TrailFest
Sept. 25: Crowley Lake Trail Run
Click here to view the Mammoth Lakes Events Calendar
(From Mammoth Lakes Parks and Recreation)

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