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Bureau of Indian Affairs to Weigh In on BPPT Constitutional Crisis

big pine paiute tribe bppt bureau


The Tribal Council is providing this information to keep the General Council updated on the constitutional crisis  currently dividing our Tribe. The group of individuals who claim to have been elected to the Tribal Council on  November 21, 2023, and their new leader continue to claim to be the constitutionally elected leadership of this  Tribe. They are wrong, and we have provided the General Council with the reasons why they are wrong. Now,  the BIA will weigh in on the matter.

We continue to serve this Tribe as elected officials. One of our duties as the Tribe’s official leadership was to  request that the BIA contract with the Tribe under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act,  Public Law 93-638, as amended (“638 contract”), to continue to fund and operate federal programs that serve our  members. Unfortunately, the BIA will not execute a 638 contract with the Tribe because of claims made to the  BIA that the meeting held on November 21, 2023, was a valid recall election. Consequently, the leadership of the  Tribe is in dispute for purposes of executing a 638 contract with the BIA and for the federal government and the  Tribe to maintain a government-to-government relationship.

The BIA is required to recognize the Tribe’s constitutionally elected leadership, and this is what BIA  Superintendent Harley Long said will happen. No later than March 23, 2024, Superintendent Long will recognize  the constitutionally elected leadership of this Tribe. When that occurs, the BIA will formally recognize the  Tribe’s leadership for government-to-government relations and for entering a new 638 contract. Until that  happens, we will continue serving the Tribe as its elected officials. We ask that all tribal members be patient  during this turbulent time. We ask also that tribal members respect Superintendent Long’s decision regarding the  Tribe’s leadership.

Cheyenne M. Stone, Big Pine Paiute Tribe Chairperson
[email protected]

Deanne Cheshire, Big Pine Paiute Tribe Vice-Chairperson
[email protected]

Ashlee Dondero, Big Pine Paiute Tribe Treasurer
[email protected]

Tawny Williams, Big Pine Paiute Tribe Member-At-Large
[email protected]

Alan Bacock, Big Pine Paiute Tribe Secretary
[email protected]

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Bishop Rezident
Bishop Rezident
10 months ago

What an unfortunate misunderstanding to happen. My prayers go out to all those involved and hope that the outcome will be fair. 🙏

Big Pine Resident
Big Pine Resident
Reply to  Bishop Rezident
10 months ago

No breaks for the criminals. I don’t see pending posts?? Why not??

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