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Beyond the Beyond: Who Are They, and Where Do They Come From? — Part Two

Beyond the Beyond: Who Are They, and Where Do They Come From? — Part Two

I was working at a bookstore in my early twenties and struck up a conversation with a young man and his girlfriend in the paranormal section. We all shared our love of UFOs and the phenomenon (he really hit a home run, I told him), and he asked me if I had ever heard of someone named David Icke. I told him I hadn’t, and the next week he brought me four video tapes (yes, I am VHS old), said I must watch them, and that he’d be back into the bookstore in a week to get them back.

Well, he never came back. And I must have watched those tapes a dozen times. Icke was incredibly well-spoken, and if you’ve ever seen him you know what I mean. He spoke of a secretive elite who are really controlling the world. Of a vast conspiracy designed to distract and deceive the masses, all orchestrated to gain power and control over the world by manipulating events and creating division through mass media. That last one he spoke about nearly twenty years ago, and boy does it seem like he was onto something.

He spoke of a surveillance state where our rights would be reduced gradually after a fake terrorist attack (this footage was shot in 2000), and of keeping the population in a constant state of fear so that they would be more submissive and easier to control. Now, I’m not saying I bought all of this hook, line, and sinker, but I enjoy listening to people like Icke. People that seem to exist on the fringes of society, and say some of the things maybe others dare not say.

If you want to know more about David Icke, kindly check out “The People vs. David Icke.”

Oh, there’s one more thing he talked about: inter-dimensional shapeshifting reptilians who have infiltrated the highest levels of power. They thrive on negativity, and use these negative energies to sustain their power and to stay in our dimension longer. They don’t live under the skin like the show V would have you believe, but rather attach to various bloodlines and secretly pull the strings.

aliens beyond the beyond extraterrestrial ufo
Image by Tanner Rush

These beings have also been called Reptoids, Archons, and Draconians. Icke isn’t the only one to talk about them. But where do they come from? Some claim they come from the Draco constellation in the far northern sky. Draco, incidentally, is Latin for “dragon.” Len Kastin, famed researcher and author in the UFO community, posits that these beings came from space long ago and have been interacting with humans for millennia. Like Icke, he posits that these beings are out for control through manipulation, and that they are playing the long game. When your lifespan is 10,000 years, I guess you can afford to do that.

Some say that maybe the dinosaurs never went instinct entirely. That they evolved, and perhaps adapted well enough and were smart enough to go underground and create a complete society there. One that could subtly pull the strings and manipulate the world above them.

Maybe the idea of reptilians aren’t meant to be taken literally, but rather as a trait in some humans that certain sensitive people pick up on. Some unseen force that gives them a lack of authenticity and empathy, and a tendency toward manipulation and deceit. You can’t tell me you’ve never run into of those “humans” before. I’m reminded of a John Prine song:

And wouldn’t it be something, if there really were aliens, that we weren’t actually seeing the real extraterrestrials at all. An abductee I mentioned in “Who Are They, and Where Do They Come From? — Part One” told me that the grey aliens he encountered served a higher master. He wasn’t sure, but he seemed to suggest that he was told by them that the beings who had made them appeared to be mantis-like in appearance.

These creatures have been mentioned in UFO lore for decades. They aren’t actually mantises, but are tall and slender in appearance with large eyes and large, hook-like hands. In abductee accounts, they will often be seen in the shadows while the gray aliens conduct their experiments on whatever poor soul happens to be on the operating table at the time.

It is unknown where they come from, although theories have been tossed around from far away star systems to different dimensions. Dr. Michael Newton is world famous for his spiritual and past life regression techniques, and seems to take a different approach. He suggests that humans have some type of animal spirit guides that we interact with between incarnations. Perhaps the people seeing them are actually remembering the time before they were born. They are often seen wearing a purple cloak and a medallion.

aliens beyond the beyond
Image by Tanner Rush

Users of MT, Ayahuasca, and mushrooms have also experienced encounters with mantis-like beings, which may suggest that this part of the phenomenon is more psychological in nature.

What if it’s all three? What if these beings exist in the place we reside between lives, but they can also come to us in visions where our own perception of reality is stretched and distorted? When the secret veil between worlds begins to deteriorate, can we see and communicate with them? And what if they can also come into this reality, through whatever means, and interact with us there?

Perhaps all of it is one thing, and we are only seeing pieces of it the best that our minds can make sense of. Or maybe it’s an unknown race that has lived here as long or longer than we have, and is so advanced that it can show us whatever it wants us to see. This would explain why the UFO phenomenon appears to be so mercurial, and shifts to portray whatever the cultural expectation of the other is at that particular time.

Or maybe, just maybe, it’s all bullshit. Now I don’t mean that the things people are witnessing and experiencing are bullshit, although I do have some criticisms about the recollections that suddenly appear under hypnosis. I mean what if all of it is one big psychological operation. The crafts, the sightings, the abductions. We know the CIA and other three-letter organizations like to tinker with the minds of the American people. See the patents I list in “The Plight of the Targeted Individual.”

What if there is a branch or branches of our government that are far more advanced than we realize, that are using our nation as a test tube of sorts? Did MK Ultra really cease to exist? Or did it simply change names? Maybe it morphed, like some slimy shapeshifting reptilian, into something even more nefarious.

Or it could be that all of it is true. That there are secret tests being conducted on our population and also the universe is alive with lifeforms we just simply do not or just can’t understand.

Have you had an encounter? Message me @beyondthebeyond1 on Instagram.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Eastern Sierra Now. Readers are encouraged to conduct further research and consult with relevant experts or professionals before making any decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided in this article.

Catch up on more “Beyond the Beyond” here.

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