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Nectar Moth’s Miracle Single “Lost Cathedral” Invokes Beauty of Nature and Profound Questions for Humanity and our Planet

Nectar Moth’s Miracle Single “Lost Cathedral” Invokes Beauty of Nature and Profound Questions for Humanity and our Planet

nectar moth lost cathedral

Bishop, California, June 28th 2024 — Today, Eastern Sierra artist Nectar Moth / Sara Kaiser released her latest single, “Lost Cathedral.” This deeply moving and expansive track will resonate with those who share a deep love and appreciation for the natural world. The song reflects the grief, love, and hope we have for our wild places and beings.

“Lost Cathedral” began as “Send Me a Lover” – a light-hearted, cheeky tune about romantic discontent sketched out over several hikes to Grass Lake in summer 2023. Initially hesitant to even record it, Kaiser was guided by an intuitive sense to pursue the song further. The addition of a beat revealed deeper layers, and the incorporation of a marimba, which then became bells, marked a pivotal shift, prompting a complete rewrite of the lyrics.

“I realized there was something much bigger trying to emerge from the original the song. I knew I had to open it up to find out what it was trying to become,” recalls Kaiser.

In one inspired night, the final version of “Lost Cathedral” was born, a new melody of poignant and philosophical lyrics resting atop the vocal layers from the original song idea, two layers of ambient beats, and multiple styles of bells with bass and birdsong.

“I didn’t expect it at all. It felt like an absolute miracle. Its conception was so unlikely. I’m in awe that this song exists.”

Production support and mix/mastering by cellist/composer/sound engineer Shaun Diaz elevated the song, allowing it to ring through in its fullest expression.

“I was entirely undone when I heard the first version back from Shaun. Head in my hands, crying, shaking. The song holds all of the grief and love for the planet that has been so hard to keep inside of me since childhood. He understood the song from within his soul, which enabled him to bring it to its highest form. Sharing that kind of understanding with your audio engineer and partner is something really special.”

Kaiser drew the song’s imagery from Eastern Sierra local searches on iNaturalist, an app that allows users to upload images of plants and animals for identification. This unique source of inspiration brings local ecologies to life within the song, enriching its narrative with authentic environmental connections:

Lost cathedral
Ancient Stone
The Whitebark elder
And the stray primrose
Holy Violets
Love takes wing
Beware the larkspur opening

“As the song started taking shape I had very strong imagery of Yosemite valley and high country come in. I saw glowing meadows, high monuments of stone, and gushing streams. The song carries the feeling of a shimmering wild land. It was a very spiritual emergence and sound. I was overcome with the beauty as it unfolded.”

“Lost Cathedral” encapsulates the grief, love, and hope that Kaiser feels for our planet. The song acknowledges humanity’s role in environmental destruction and species loss, posing the critical question: Can we be redeemed?

“Since I was a child, I have struggled with the knowledge of the ways we damage our beautiful and precious planet. Loss of species disturbed me, and I made petitions at school and wrote letters to congress to try to try to make it stop. As an adult, I worked for a conservation non-profit preventing extinctions. The duality of humanity’s potential for creativity, love, stewardship, collaboration, and constructive action, versus our current reality that has led and is leading to loss of species and habitats, and even threatens our own longevity on this planet is what breaks my heart.”

We the witness
Trace the century
What tree rings are amiss?
All quiet in the rookery

The song, which holds multiple double meanings, is intimate and expansive at once, bringing the listener down into the meadow with the wild violets and up into the sky with granite towers.

“Lost Cathedral can stand for two things – the loss of our delicate ecologies, or the absence of the enlightened mind of humanity.” The key question that arises in this song is not whether we have the capacity to turn it all around, but whether we will choose that path. My deepest wish is for all of us to rediscover the lost cathedral within ourselves—a mind of love and beauty—and act from that place of sensitivity and wisdom so we can save what is left of the cathedral of our natural world.

“Lost Cathedral” is now available on all major streaming platforms and is a part of Kaiser’s upcoming album Unfurl (Fall 2024). Listen to connect with a deeper introspection and ecological sensitivity, and read the lyrics to discover the profound messages embedded within this extraordinary song.

For more information, please contact:
Sara Kaiser | Artist | [email protected]
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About Nectar Moth
Nectar Moth is a singer/songwriter known for her evocative lyrics and innovative soundscapes. With a deep love of nature and earth’s many miraculous beings, Nectar Moth weaves deep existential themes into her music, creating a unique and thought-provoking experience for listeners.

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