Mammoth Voices This Week: Becoming Fire Wise
Mammoth Voices this Week:
Becoming Firewise
Beth Burnam, Firewise Coordinator for Mono and Inyo Counties
Jessica Morse, Federal Wildland Fire Commission
We’ve got two fabulous speakers this month who will share their knowledge and insights on new federal wildfire reforms, California investments in wildfire mitigation, and the local effort to be Firewise. Join us, and as always, bring your questions!
This will be the final meeting for 2023. We will be on break through December and January. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!
Mammoth Voices is comprised of 5 people who have brought the community together over 7+ years, starting way back when with lunches at Giovanni’s. We are looking for additional team members who will bring new energy for planning and coordinating programs that promote civil discourse on topics of interest to the community. If interested, reply to this email and let us know!
on Thursday, December 7, 12-1 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 9218 5807
Passcode: 344107
One tap mobile

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