Mammoth Lakes Recreation This Week – July 13, 2023
Keep getting all the news – Recreation this Week is moving!
- Recreation This Week will be migrating to a new format. If you want to continue to receive community recreation news, activities and events directly to your inbox, you must create a Profile on DaySmart, our new online Reservation Platform.
- If you already have a profile you are good to go!
- Don’t miss a week – click here to create your personal profile.
July is Park and Recreation Month!
- On July 12, Town Council adopted a Proclamation declaring July as Park and Recreation Month in the Town of Mammoth Lakes.
- This year’s theme “Where Community Grows” celebrates the vital role park and recreation professionals play in bringing people together, providing essential services and fostering the growth of our communities.
- This July, join us for FREE swim days every Sunday at the Whitmore Pool, the annual beach volleyball tournament at Shady Rest Park on July 29, the Men’s and Coed Softball tournament at Shady Rest Park and register for any of our signature or contracted parks and recreation summer camps.
- Click here to learn more about Park and Recreation Month and the schedule of activities and events.
Park and Recreation Facilities Update
- Parks and Facilities currently open include: Whitmore Pool (lap swim and public swim/lessons), Whitmore Recreation Area (all ball fields and the Synthetic Sports Field & Track), Shady Rest Park (playground, restrooms, ball fields, soccer fields and DiscGolfPark®), Volcom Brothers Skatepark & Little Brothers Skatepark, Trails End Park, Mammoth Creek East restrooms, Community Center Tennis Courts 1-4, Pickleball Court (Court 1), restrooms and playground.
- Click here to view the updated status of Town parks, trails, and facilities.
Summer Camps
- Check out the camp flyers on the website for more detailed itineraries and register online or contact the Parks and Recreation Team at (760) 965-3690 for assistance.
- July 31: Gymnastics Camp for 3rd – 5th Graders – OPEN
- July 31: Oklahoma Theatre for 5-14 year olds – OPEN
- August 9: Skateboard for 6th -8th Grade – OPEN
- August 14: Camp Mammoth for TK – 2nd Grade – OPEN
Summer Adult Programs Underway!
- The Annual Beach Volleyball Tournament at Shady Rest Park is on July 29. Register online!
- Lap Swim at Whitmore Pool NOW OPEN (Mon-Fri: 6:30-8:30am, Mon/Wed/Fri: 5:30-7:30pm)
- Buy a Pool Membership or Punch Pass online!
- Mammoth Lakes Slow Pitch Softball Tournaments organized by USSSA (July 14-16 & 21-23)
- The Adult Kickball League is now scheduled to start on Sunday, July 30!
Community Recreation Center Update
- Work on the framing for the locker rooms and showers in preparation for finishing the walls in these areas is underway.
- Plumbers have been working on installing the rough in plumbing in the storage, mechanical, Zamboni, and locker rooms.
- The sprung membrane has been removed around the glazing wall framing.
- We are looking forward to opening the Mammoth RecZone this summer and LA Kings Ice at Mammoth Lakes for the 2023/2024 winter season. The town appreciates the community’s patience and support as we work to grow recreation opportunities for our community.
Work for Parks and Rec!
Parks and Recreation is currently recruiting for awesome people to join our team:
- Temporary Parks Maintenance Worker
- Recreation Coordinator (Adult Leagues – Softball and Kickball)
- Recreation Intern (Summer Camps)
To be considered for an open recruitment, all applicants must submit an online application.
Community Recreation
- There is still some availability in Mono Arts Council’s theatre and art camps. For further information, and to register, please click here.
- Register by July 15 for the Crowley Lake Fun Run (September 24) to receive a discounted registration fee. All proceeds benefit the local community with active classes, special workshops, and neighborhood improvements.
- Registration for AYSO Fall Soccer U8-U14 closes on July 15.
- Registration for AYSO Fall Soccer U5 & U6 closes on August 26.
- Eastern Sierra Interpretative Association offers year-round interpretive walks, hikes, and talks. This summer’s offerings include Mono Lakes Bird Walks, Panum Crater Tours, Wildflower Walks and Summer Evening Naturalist Talks. For more information, please click here.
- Mammoth Youth Hockey registration is OPEN for the 2023-24 season. Register before August 15 and receive a 10% early bird discount. For more information, or to register, please click here.
Recreate Safely in Mammoth Lakes!
- The historic snowpack bringing record runoff to the Eastern Sierra. Be aware that waterways are running full, cold, and fast so please recreate safely around streams, lakes, and waterways!
- Not only are area waterways unsafe for fishing, boating, and swimming, but their surrounding banks are dangerously unstable as the water eats away at them. Hidden subsurface hazards like rocks and tree limbs can be deadly.
- Keep a safe distance from fast-moving water this spring and summer. DO NOT attempt to bypass closures to access areas that have been blocked for your safety.
- Never leave children and pets unattended around fast-moving water. DO NOT let them play in the currents, not only in the area of creeks and rivers, but also near culverts and storm drains.
- Please obey posted closure signs, stay away from unstable banks, and avoid unnecessary risks. Check the conditions and know before you go.
- Please prepare your home and business to ward against flood risks and fast-moving water.
- USFS has launched an Inciweb page specifically for updates regarding flooding impacts, road damage, and weather alerts:…/
cainf-inyo-national… - Property owners can collect sandbags from the Town Yard – 299 Commerce Drive.
Lakes Basin Update
- The Mammoth Ranger District of the Inyo National Forest announced today that the Lakes Basin will open for full public access including vehicles tomorrow, Friday, July 14, 2023 at 8:00am.
- In addition, the Twin Lakes campgrounds will also open on Friday, July 14, with the remainder of the campgrounds anticipated to open on Friday, July 21, 2023.
- Parking is extremely limited – take the FREE bus! Regular trolley service (Orange Line) will resume on Friday, July 14. For additional transit information: please visit: Well-behaved pets that are muzzled and leashed, or in a carrier are welcome aboard shuttles.
- Please be aware that hazard tree mitigation will be occurring along the paths and roadway. Please follow directions from Trail Hosts, adhere to public informational signs and be prepared for temporary traffic stops.
- Please visit the Inyo National Forest website for additional information.
Reds Meadow Road Update
- Reds Meadow Road will remain closed up to the Mammoth Mountain Inn/Main Lodge.
- Administrative access is only allowed past this point as staff continue clearing the road, assessing for damage and conducting trainings before ESTA can begin providing shuttle service.
- More information will be forthcoming jointly from the Inyo National Forest and Devils Postpile National Monument regarding the reopening of Reds Meadow Road to the public.
Mammoth Mountain Update
Expected Lift Operations from Friday, July 14– Friday, July 21
- Chairs: 1, 3, 6, 23 and Panorama Gondola 1&2 (Wind & weather permitting).
- Chair 2 & 11 is now closed for skiing and riding.
- Hours of Operation for skiing and riding: 7:30AM-12PM.
- The last scenic ride up to the top station is a 3:45PM, loading from the bottom station and for a ride around only which guests may not get out of the cabin. Last ride down from the top is at 4PM.
- Road Runner is closed for the season and there is no easy way to ski or ride down from the summit.
- Lifts and terrain subject to change due to recent warm temperatures. Check for daily operations updates.
Summer Activities:
- The Bike Park is open for the season with limited trail access. For access to the Bike Park, you can catch the Bike Park shuttle on Canyon Blvd. from 9AM-5:30PM daily. All Bike Park guests must have a Bike Park ticket in order to ride on the bus.
- Bike Rentals are available at the Mountain Center from 9AM-5PM daily.
- The Sierra Star Golf Course is open for the season. Call (760) 924.GOLF to book your tee time.
- The Adventure Center at Main Lodge is open with the Ropes Course, Rock Wall, Archery, Junior Zip and Woolly’s Mining. Hours of operation are 10AM-5PM.
- Camp High Sierra is open for the season. For all reservations to Camp High Sierra, please call 800.Mammoth.
- Tamarack Bike and Paddle rentals are available 9AM-5PM daily.
Special Events
- July 14-15: Mammoth JazzFest
- July 21-23: Mammoth Reggae Festival
- July 28-29: Mammoth VillageFest
- Click here to view the Mammoth Lakes Events Calendar.

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