Eastern Sierra Entrepreneur Meetup Series Offers Workshop

Pitch It! How to Talk to People About Your Business

Registration to Attend Now Open

Bishop, CA (September 9, 2022) — The Eastern Sierra Small Business Resource Center (BRC) presents the Eastern Sierra Entrepreneur Workshop Pitch It! on Monday, September 19, 2022, 5:30-7:00 PM at the Bishop Country Club, 1325 US Hwy 395, Bishop CA. This free workshop is for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and stakeholders. Whether introducing yourself and your business to a potential customer, funder, or business partner, a solid first impression is critical in setting the tone for future business dealings. And, with the Capital Summit just around the corner on October 7, Capital Summit registration, the Eastern Sierra Small Business Resource Center wants to help entrepreneurs and small businesses get in front of the right capital partner to successfully pitch their business. “It amazes me how many small business owners or start-ups find it difficult to say who they are and what they do in a concise fashion”, Kelly Bearden, Director CSUB Small Business Development Center says. “The elevator speech when introduced to a potential customer, funder, or business partner is critical for them to understand your venture and how they can work with you”.

What to expect:

  • An introduction to sources of capital that can help you start and grow your company including options for your particular stage and aspiration.
  • An overview of what information each funding source will require from you.
  • An interactive workshop on how to talk about your business with an emphasis on
  • Entrepreneur Spotlight: Karen Schwartz, Owner of Sage to Summit, will share her
    story including how they met their investor (Bank) at the Capital Summit!
  • Community building and networking.
  • Lite refreshments & cash bar

Come join us at Pitch It! for a fun and interactive workshop AND the opportunity to network with regional friends and colleagues. Registration for the Eastern Sierra Entrepreneurship Pitch It! Workshop is now open and free. Tickets are available online.

About The Eastern Sierra Small Business Resource Center (BRC)

The Eastern Sierra Small Business Resource Center (BRC) is a welcome center for the region’s businesses and entrepreneurs. Its vision is to directly support businesses and be a catalyst for regional economic opportunity through access to knowledge and resources, networking opportunities and events, collaboration space, and an enhanced entrepreneurial ecosystem. Initially sponsored by Inyo County, the BRC is working to bring entrepreneurs, local leaders, and community stakeholders together with federal, state, and regional partners to build momentum and opportunity for the entire Eastern Sierra region.

(From Eastern Sierra Small Business Resource Center)

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