“To the BUSD Board members, students, educators, and community as a whole…”

Here is a letter written by teachers and staff in the District asking media outlets to get their message out. The views represented are not Eastern Sierra NOW’s. We take neither side in this debate. News reporting is about the middle ground and reporting the situations unbiasedly.

Covid 19 Booster“To the BUSD Board members, students, educators, and community as a whole,

Let us start by saying how much we love the teaching profession. Some have only been involved for a handful of years, while others have taught or served students in an administrative capacity for multiple decades. We know that the education sector is not an easy one, always ripe for improvement, yet we show up every day to refine our craft.

Though things have changed drastically in regards to student interaction with staff over the past 18 months, we still seek opportunities to engage with our students frequently. Students need hugs and bandaids. They are young and have many feelings: sad, happy, mad, lonely and they get hurt. An elementary teacher remarked she has “Never once shunned away a hug or stayed 6 ft away to apply a bandage; Pre-Covid and currently.” It is in our student’s best interest to be available to them mentally and emotionally, especially as they remark how much they trust us and know how we care for them. We always put students first and before “our own health.”

We have varying belief systems among us, conservative and liberal, Christian and Agnostic, some single and some with families; but we all agree that what is happening to our schools and society at large is not ok. The role of an educator in your children’s lives is not to tell them what to think, but HOW to think critically. We are not in the business of indoctrinating to any particular belief system, which is taking place now. At this point, everyone who has had the opportunity for the vaccine has taken it. We do not want to bicker about statistical analysis and how things are interpreted differently depending on bias. We simply want to approach things from the simple viewpoint that no one should be forced to choose between something they do not believe is in their best personal interest and being forced out of the field. We believe in Tolerance. True tolerance, which means you tolerate people who have different opinions than you, not that you need to accept them as your own. We see this in the classroom and always focus on the middle, acknowledging different sides and perspectives without swaying students’ opinions one way or the other. The community of Bishop for a long time has existed in this fashion, and we cannot back down now and let these things divide us. We want to continue to show up for your students and do this for years to come. We humbly ask for your support in this endeavor, to show students that respecting others hurts at times but it’s still the right thing to do, especially when it is unpopular. A Vaccine Mandate for teachers will inevitably harm our community and students more than Covid ever could, possibly resulting in close to 50 staff across all campuses being fired. Additionally, mandated testing medically profiles those that have made a personal choice that they feel is best for them and their family. Write to the School Board, Administration, and Government representatives to make clear that we can support others even if we are not on the same page. Let us demonstrate to the world how a community can come together despite all the rhetoric and stand for each other. If you would like to support us in this cause, send an email to Educators4Choice@protonmail.com to find out more information.

Thank you – Bishop Educators for Choice”

Eastern Sierra NOW will keep you updated on this topic. We have been trying to track down more information from the senders and get more info about this letter.

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2 years ago

So inspiring that a group of fourth graders banded together to write this horrible letter!

Jesse Steele
Jesse Steele
Reply to  jejunejesuit
2 years ago

hahaha. I sure would like a name to put on this letter to be sure!

2 years ago

Here is a translation for everyone’s convenience:

1. “we all agree that what is happening to our schools and society at large is not ok” – we are an anonymous group of people (or perhaps single person)

2. “We do not want to bicker about statistical analysis and how things are interpreted differently depending on bias. We simply want to approach things from the simple viewpoint that no one should be forced to choose between something they do not believe is in their best personal interest and being forced out of the field.” – we don’t want to address the point that vaccines are attributed with fewer deaths, we don’t think that we need to take safety measures to be in our field

3. “we cannot back down now and let these things divide us.” – we cannot back down and take a weekly test instead of getting vaccinated in order to protect the people of our schools and community because we have a belief that we should have requirements as teachers

4. “We humbly ask for your support in this endeavor, to show students that respecting others hurts at times but it’s still the right thing to do, especially when it is unpopular.” – we don’t recognize that respecting others involves verifying our own health status in order to minimize the risk of passing on a deadly virus to others

5. “A Vaccine Mandate for teachers will inevitably harm our community and students more than Covid ever could” – we have run the numbers and the inconvenience and oppression of testing weekly is worse than people in our community getting sick and dying

6. “possibly resulting in close to 50 staff across all campuses being fired” – lol we would rather lose our jobs than put a q-tip up our nose to make sure we don’t have covid

7. “Additionally, mandated testing medically profiles those that have made a personal choice that they feel is best for them and their family.” – we don’t know that the definition of profiling is ‘the act of suspecting or targeting a person on the basis of observed characteristics or behavior racial profiling’

8. “we can support others even if we are not on the same page” – we can veil the promotion our own interests by saying we care about everyone

Jesse Steele
Jesse Steele
Reply to  Educators4Reason
2 years ago

I think you have a valid right to post your opinions here and your arguments deserve to be heard. I think people just are looking for a little accountability. Who are the “Teachers for Choice”. Without a face to the name, we all have to assume this is some trucker at a rest stop on his iPhone. Especially seeing as how you changed your name from the original letter, to this response. I would love to get an interview with you as soon as possible and get your cause out there. In the mean time, I’m afraid this is all I can post from here on out. Journalistic integrity and what not.

GIgi Georgeson
GIgi Georgeson
2 years ago

Hi there- since he authors did not sign their names, you have no idea who wrote this letter. You are not sure it is “teachers and staff”. Putting ‘news’ out there that has not been fact-checked is dangerous.

Jesse Steele
Jesse Steele
Reply to  GIgi Georgeson
2 years ago

Actually I agree with you completely! I saw it was already posted on other sites so I added the bit about this not being our views and I sent out emails to see if I could track down who this is from and put a name to it. Thanks for the heads up! We always appreciate viewers help and opinions.

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